We have been extremely busy the past few weeks, hence my lack of posting. School is going great, the kids are happy, Rylie has been moved from her 'not-so-good' teacher to a new one, I am very happy with this new one!!!! And she has been placed in the AM class, which works out much better for me:-)
All 4 of the older children went to the dentist this morning. Pooh spent the morning with Kat, Thanks Kat, you are THE BEST!!!! We switched dentists after the last dentist fiasco with Makayla's teeth pulling. I am VERY PLEASED with this new dentist. Kaiden was his normal brave self, and he did just fine, checked out perfectly, but dentist does suggest he get into an orthodontist soon. Makayla, as per normal, cried and fought it the whole time. But she checked out just fine also, with a recommendation to an ortho as well. Rylie, of course, was perfect, and her mouth checked out perfect as well, also with a recommendation to an ortho :-(. Nic was VERY brave, but he does have three cavities, the dentist called them floss cavities, I am assuming that if we had pushed flossing better, he would not have gotten them. But otherwise he did great, he is going in, in 3 weeks, to have them filled. And I feel much better about this dentist performing procedures on my child. Amazingly the dentist did not recommend an ortho yet, but he could have been more interested in the cavities, I donno. But we will see. So we will be going back in 3 weeks for cavities, also Will is going at that time for a checkup, apparently he is old enough to go, i generally wait till they are 2, but the nurse told me, no, they start at 1, and since he is 18 months, he needs to get in.
So almost another perfectly successful dentist appointment. But they were very impressed that out of 5 kids, we have only had one with cavities. They said those are some pretty good odds, so I guess I should be happy:-) and I am, I am just worried about Nic, but I am sure he will do great! Cause he is so brave.
***SIDE NOTE*** For all in Salt Lake, we will be up in Heber this weekend, and would LOVE to see you guys! If we could make it work. Give me a call.
Heber sounds fun what are you guys doing in heber? the creeper?-Raph
No, unfortunately the Heber Creeper would be much more fun! We will be up there for Thom's annual awards conference, and 'training meetings'. But the whole family was invited this year, not just me and Thom, so we will all be up there, crammed in a hotel room, or sitting and listening to some 'higher up' ramble on for hours. Should be a blast, LOL!
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