Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well this post is a couple days over due, but I have been so busy, this is the first chance I got. Apparently the story is: Nic was playing outside, opened the back door, let Belle out and then proceeded to 'play' with her in the backyard, and chased her off. This was two weeks ago, (well two weeks on Sunday) So she was gone, we could not find her, we searched the neighborhood and the pound. She was not to be found. But cause of the area we live in, I just assumed a coyote or the like got her. I was very sad, but after two weeks, we had completely written her off as ever coming back. But I returned home from work on Saturday evening and walked across the street to Kat's house (she had agreed to watch the kids for the last hour of my shift while Thom went and finished the last evening of the rodeo.) I got the kids and we started talking. We talked for about half an hour, then I started to head home, and we stopped in the driveway to talk some more. We eventually ended up sitting down in the middle of her drive way, and talking for another 30-45 minutes or so. During this time my kids were running back and forth across the street, and her two dogs, Tia and Kami, were playing with the kids. Tia eventually ran off down the street, which is normal, but she always comes back. But the kids chase after her any ways. Apparently Tia went further this time then she normally goes, and the kids came back to tell us that she was in hot pursuit of a white cat, and were headed down the other side of the block. So I think hmm.... I tell Kaiden, Kayla and Ry(it is now way past dark, so I made the little boys stay with me), to go take a walk around the block to find the white cat, they argued with me, and I said listen that could be YOUR cat, go find the cat Tia was chasing. About 5 minutes later they come screaming around the corner, BELLE, BELLE!!! So apparently it was Belle, and they bring her home. She was filthy, and starving! But she is home and content now, we sure did miss her!

1 comment:

Blonde African Americans said...

Everytime I open the door my cats make a dash for it, I HATE IT. This morning I kicked the shit out of one of them when it tried to run past me out the door and it spun around and ran as fast as it could back in the house so, that's my new strategy..."Kick the shit out of them if they break for the door"