Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Yesterday was Thom's birthday. he is quickly creeping into his mid 30's, AUGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is now 34. We did not do much, he took this whole week off work. I took him to dinner at Applebees, and then we came home and had some of his friends over for ice cream cake. He was very blessed, and got some good presents:-). He had a wonderful time, and is enjoying the remiander of his week off, though he cannot stay away for long, adn has been glued to his phone,and I think tomorrow he is going to go down to HHS. But oh well.
Also Pooh went for his 18 month check up this afternoon. He is SO TINY!!!!!!!!! He weighs in at 20 pounds 14 ounces. What a cute little man. But he is tall for his age, so the doctor says he should start to feel out soon:) He is doing great, he is slow on the speech (which I already knew), but the doctor says that is normal for boys. So we will be working on his vocabulary more. And he was so lucky, he did not need any shots this time, WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!
And well that about sums up my day:-) I know boring!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Happy birthday!

Love the new blog look!