So I was watching the Today show this morning as I was getting ready to go to work( yeah work, blah, I am helping out at the 'Family Store' here in town, blah) anyway, so I am watching the Today show, and who do they have on as their 'special guests'. NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK!!!!!! Are ya kidding me? I guess after all these years they have decidied to do a 'comeback'. Seriously boys, you are what, in your 30's? Quit trying to be a boy-band, GROW UP! Wow, and there dancing, LOL! I honestly do not have the words to express my disgust at what I saw on TV this morning. Okay so I will quit being mean now:-)
On another note. They were also covering the RNC. And I must say I could not be happier with McCain's choice of running mate, I LOVE Sarah Palin!!!! She is awesome! So happy with this turn of events.
they're not just in their 30's (I'm in my 30s for heavens sake!)-- they're in their LATE 30's-- one of them turns 40 this year! The "baby" of the group was born in 1972.
Sara Palin is a little extreme for me but hey to each his own. I think the boys should suck dry any idiot willing to pay for a ticket hell Madonna is 55 years old and still running around in her underwear and look at the Rolling stones they have grandkids!
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