Well that lasted along time didn't it?!?!?!?!!? First let me point out that I NEED a break. I love my kids, but I am really at my breaking point right now. Thom has been working a lot of extra hours, been out of town a lot, had no days off, and when he has been home, he has not been helping me, and me and the kids have all been real sick. So I have been in real need of some help and a break. So this weekend(Thom takes Friday thru Sunday off) was supposed to be MY weekend! I am getting my hair done, a pedicure,a nd my nails done, and I was going to go shopping with my best friend. (you know some really mommy time, no kids just having fun) So all that being said, everything that transpired yesterday probably does not sound like a big deal to you all, but in my emotionally distraught state it is VERY bad:)
After having the scare of my life yesterday afternoon with not knowing where my kids were. I sent them out the door to the bus yesterday morning, or so I thought. I prayed with them and kissed them good bye. Now my parents on on their bus route(which is really convient if I am not able to make it home in time, they can get right off at my mother's house), so they wave every morning and afternoon, it is this thing that thye do. I am talking to my mom about 3:30(as the kids are getting out of school), and she mentions that sshe did not see the kids on the bus this morning and did Thom take them to school, I said no, Thom is out of town today, they were on the bus, she says hmm, she id not see them. So we keep talking and the bus stops there before heading home, and she says again she did not see them on the bus. So I am starting to freak out about this point. And I keep telling myself that it is okay, i prayed with them this morning God was watching out for them, they are on the bus and just fine. So I am loading up the other kids into the car becuase (PTL, we got the state part of our taxes deposited into our bank account! and we are headed to Wal Wart to get a couple things), and I am watching the clock, watching around the corner for my kids(now we are only about 1/8 of a mile away from the bus stop and it is all residential, so this is not a dangerous situation with the kids on the bus) and they should have been home 2 minutes ago!!!! The bus is generally very punctual. So I am REALLY freaking out! And FINALLY there they are! They are fine and perfect, and do not know why they were not seen on the bus, but all is great! But mom had a freakin heart attack and am still trying to calm down from this. When Makayla hands me a very professional looking letter addressed to me from the school. It is a reading recovery program that Makayla has been enrolled in at school because she is just 'not quite there yet'. So I start crying and freaking out (not on her) on myself. You know, just gosh how have I failed so miserably. This is her second 'special ed' class. What is wrong with me? Why am I such a terrible mother? You know the drill. So I push the letters asied and head out to the car, and we go into town. We hit Auto Zone first, cause I need knew brakes on my car. So I buy those and the rotor. And we move on to Wal Mart, get the oil changed and go shopping. Now Wal Mart is not the best place to be alone with 5 kids, now generally my children are pretty well behaved, but yesterday they were NOT! Now normally I can treathen bribe, you know whatever it takes to just get out of the store still somewhat sane. But yesterday just as we got there, I was on the phone with Thom, cause I had not heard from him and I wnted to talk to him about Kayla. I had texted him a few times, but he was not responding to me, so I called him, and I said where are you at (hoping he was headed home) and he says "Oh..I am in the ER", "WHAT, why are you there?", "Well you see....(ramble, ramble, trying to be funny, in a situation I clearly do not see as funny)" "So what is wrong with you", "Oh I gotta go, the doctor is here to see me" CLICK!!! Seriously! So now my frame of mind is NOT Wal Mart friendly(if there ever were such a thing). So I am wondering amailessly through Wal Mart trying to deal with said bratty kids, and NOT lose my mind, but I cannot even concentrate wondering what the heck is going on with my husband! And guess what? He is NOT calling me back!!! We are in Wal Mart for about 2 hours, and during checkup(of course you get the shortest line, with the DUMBEST cashier, there is a reason nobody is in that line), and wait, the peson in front of me only has one bag of items, but it takes AT LEAST 20 minutes to check her out. During this 20 minutes, my kids are touching EVERYTHING in the line(you know they line everything up there so they can watch the parent freak out and then they sit back and laugh about it) and I finally get a call from my hubsband! He has a broken ankle, they are headed to the pharmasict to get the prescriptions and crutches and then will be headed home(no I do not need to go get him, because luckily his friend was up there helping him out with the display) Okay I can maybe handle this. Maybe I should calm down and quit being mean to my kids. But they were being REAL bratty. So I am up to pay by this time, and the guy gives me my total, and I run my debit card, seriously I am there for 15 minutes waiting for him to figure out how to take my money. AUGH!!! So frustrating, and no he was not new, he was just not as intelligent as someone else might have been. I go pick up my car, and decide okay, so maybe i should call my husband and be nice to him, cause I was short, cause he had not called me. So I called him and say okay now tell me exaclty what happened to you.**blah, blah blah, still thinks he is being funny** Short version is, they have a mechanical bull that they take into the schools for displays. This bull also has an attachment that can make it a surf board. So he was fooling around acting like a teenager (when he is in the schools with all the teenagers, he has a hard time remembering that he is 33), and fell off. broke his ankle, end of story. So now I am really mad! You were playing around on something that I told oyu you were too old for, and had asked you to not do it, and now I get STUCK taking care of you!!!! And now my weekend is ruined! He can't watch the kids, he may be able to handle the older ones, but there is no way he can watch Will. So now my break(my weekend, time away fom th kdis, time of HELP) is not going to happen, I have to stay home and not only meet the demanding needs of my 5 children, but also the needs of my crippled husband. Why should I have to do all this???? I need a break, or at the very least a husband who calls me just to say, "hi honey how is your day going, do you need anything?" Is that honestly too much to ask for!!?!?!? I am venting really bad right now and I am sorry, I am just so at the end of my rope right now. I have been really struggling, and just crying out to God to help, literally on my knees bawling. So here is an update for you and a HUGE request for your prayers.