Thursday, October 2, 2008


Well Nic went to his doctor today to see about his heart murmur. His doctor(Dr. Marsden, the ONLY doctor I trust with my children) said he has a silent heart murmur(, he was actually surprised that an Insta Care doctor found it.(he does not think too highly of Insta care doctors, cause they are not trained in pediatrics, so generally get things wrong when it comes to diagnosing children, at least in Southern Utah anyway). He said that sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not. But it is normal, and nothing to be concerned about, it may go away as he grows up, it may not, but either way, he can lead a normal healthy life. Unless he shows signs of a problem(shortness of breath, blue lips, ya know the normal things), to not worry about it. He said that if he sent Nic to a cardiologist right now they would laugh in his face, because they are so common. So that makes me feel better. It will always be in the back of my mind while dealing with him, but I will try to not worry about it:-) So that is my story there, Nic is happy and normal:-)
Also we finally got our picture from the conference this year, the one that took place in Heber. Here it is. You can really tell how much weight I have put on, I am SO fat in it, especially my face, it sickens me! But I love a man in uniform, so he makes the picture better, so hot! He is too ingrained with Marine protocol still, so he is always looking cranky when in this uniform, apparently, they are not allowed to smile while in uniform, you gotta be serious. So that sucks, but oh well, it is still a nice picture.

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