Monday, March 17, 2008


Nic slept through the night for the last two nights!!!!!!!!!!!! He has not done that since his surgery. I have been so sleep deprived, but he has not been, he is running on sugar? I donno what, but he had not slept through the night since his surgery. And I am SOO happy, that he is again sleeping through the night, and he is less fussy during the day. So we are doing real god now! I thin we may just recover from this whole experience after all:):):)


Anonymous said...

You must be excited judging by the number of letters you skipped in this...

Or you are just exhausted...

I am glad things are looking up for you. It seems to have been a rough winter down there for you and yours...

Carolyn said...

Awesome! It must feel good to be getting back to normal again.

Rose just slept through the night for the first time herself. But she's almost two. She woke up a lot because she was potty trained from such an early age, she would wake up at the slightest urge to pee. I had to train her to pee in her diaper at night, then I had to train her to sleep through peeing in her diaper at night!

I'm pretty much tired all the time.