Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Well I thought while I had a few minutes I would give you all an update. The kids are doing good. Actually Makayla and Will are doing GREAT!!! Could not have asked for a better experience with them! Rylie is still struggling, she still takes some Loratab at least twice a day. And still wakes up crying during the night. But Nic, well he has been my challenge!!! He has not been sleeping (I was up for 72 straight hours with him). He screams and cries all the time!!! It has been awful! I am not sure what exactly is wrong with him, when he wakes up screaming at night, he says nothing is wrong, he does not hurt. But yet he keeps screaming and crying. And he is VERY clingy since the surgery. I am thinking he is having some emotional, mental issues because of the surgery (not like my child is retarded, mental, know). But I am really struggling to keep my sanity with him. And Thom is of no help. He is in Salt Lake till Sunday, and he has been there all week:(. So physically they are all doing good, but Ry is still struggling, and Nic is...... But thank you for all your prayers, I appreciate them!:) And please pray for my sanity, I am quickly losing it! I am trying so hard to keep it together, but I feel like i ma fighting a losing battle.


Anonymous said...

Oh sweetie I am sorry. Poor lil Nick. Give him loves for me. Ryu has another ear infection. I swear between me and you we could have bought a hospital lol

Lovely Rita said...

Oh Jenn, my heart goes out for you. I've had some rough times with my middle child. When we moved he was very emotionally unstable for 6 months or more (it's a blur, now).

It seemed to help to allow him to regress somewhat and double the cuddles, stay on top of discipline, and saying scripture, listening to music at night worked too, as well as a lot of structure and heads up when changes were going to happen. Praying, of course, does more than we know, and often helps us with solutions, too.