Wednesday, March 5, 2008


The kids had their surgeries yesterday. And all went GREAT!!! We had a few stumbles but overall things went great. I was a stress case and by the time we got home I was so emotionally and mentally drained I could barely move, and was SO grateful for bedtime:)! The kids are all doing great now, Kayla is mad cause we won't let her go back to school. But the doctor wants all the kids to stay clear of crowds for about a week, due to risk of infection. So no school till next week, which is Spring break, so it is a mute point. But the kids are back to their normal fighting antagonizing, and playing hard. We are so grateful, God really blessed us during this time.

We had a pretty good system down. There was three adults there. Me, Thom and my mom to help. Mom stayed in the waiting room with the kids waiting to go back. Me and Thom each took a kid to the pre-op room and got them checked in. Will and Nic went first. As soon as one child got called back to surgery, another one would be called out of the waiting room and back to us. And then when one child made it into recovery, I would go back and be with them. So mom was with the waiting kids, Thom was in pre-op, and I was in recovery. Until all the kids made their way through then we were all in recovery. It worked very well actually. And the nurses were EXCELLENT! They were patient and understanding and just very sweet with us all. it could not have gone better:)

In the waiting room in the morning waiting to go back, Grandpa came to pray over the kids.

Nic in his gown waiting for his surgery
Mom and the boys anxiously waiting
Sweet Pooh Bear in his cute little gown:)
The nurse talking to Nic

Daddy comforting Nic, he would not let us NOT hold his hand, he had to be held at all times, he was very nervous!
Will saying HI!:)
The teddy bear all the kids were given it says "Coral Desert Surgery Center Gave me a Bear Hug"
Rylie, so excited! She was bouncing off the walls, she would not sit still, she was SO happy and excited! It was adorable.

Kayla was very anxious and upset the whole time
The girls got to wear cute hats:)

MaKayla had to be given a tranquilizer to calm her down (but after her experience last week with the dentist none of us blamed her) so by the time she was taken back she was pretty drunk or loopy, it was actually very cute and funny to try to talk to her:)
Nic eating his post-op popsicle
Rylie had a real hard time afterward. She really struggled coming out of the anesetia. When we first saw her, we were not allowed into the room with her as she was just waking up, but she was SCREAMING, kicking, frailing around, it was SOOO traumatizing!. And by the time they had given her enough Demerol to calm her down enough for us to see her, she was still struggling. She was crying for her mommy, so I sat with her on my lap, while the nurses finished checking her out of the post-op and moving her to the recovery room. She had an allergic reaction to the Demerol and was covered in hives and rashes and was coughing and struggling to breathe. It was seriously the MOST traumatizing experience, me and Thom both cried, it was so hard to see your baby like that. This is actually a very calm picture where she is just crying a little still, but her rash has finally gone.

Will recovered quickly and just wanted to get down and play!
Taking out Nic's IV's (The IV was the worst part for all of them, they HATED it!)

Pictures from in the recovery room after all has calmed down.
Eating her popsicle
Makayla was really sick to her stomach after the surgery

Finally WIPED OUT!

WHAT A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad you all survived it. That was a whole lot of stuff for one day and you ALL look very wiped out. I am happy that overall it went well though and now the recovery can start.

You are such a good mommy!

Blonde African Americans said...

I am surprised how well it all went and now you don't have to think about it ever again.

Blonde African Americans said...

I am so proud of did such a great job! and I am glad it is over with.-Love T