Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Well I did it:( I failed:( The kids started back to school today. The homeschooling has ended. But I do feel really good about this decision. Kaiden and Makayla both wanted to go back to school. Kaiden has been struggling since we moved because he left all his friends behind, and he has been real lonely. And Makayla has just hit a brick wall, and I have just been unable to break it down. So after a lot of struggling, I finally made the decision to put the kids back in school. Today is there first day back. And they were both really excited! So I am sure all is going well, and I can't wait for them to get home so I can talk to them about it:)

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Don't be hard on yourself! HSing is hard! I'm not sure if I'm cut out for it, and I've been preparing myself for HSing since my girls were born. My sister HSed for a year and she called it quits because she wasn't spending enough time with her younger children (she has 6 kids, but 5 when she was HSing them, only 3 were actually HS age-- 6th grade, 4th grade and 1st grade, plus a preschooler and a toddler). If you do decide to HS again, there are a lot of resources out there that I'm aware of, and I think you'd love being involved with a HS group with lots of other HSed kids.