Friday, April 17, 2009


Yes, there is more vacation pics, but I am done doing catchup, so you will not see them! I am moving on now:-)

I took the little boys to the doctor on Wednesday for their well checks and shots. And they are TEENY!!! Now, I knew this, but the doctor kept saying it also, luckily I LOVE their doctor, so I let it slide, LOL! Nic, is weighing in at a whooping 40 pounds and 41 inches tall. And he is FIVE!!! He received his Kindergarten shots. We then proceeded to the school, registered him, and last night we attended the 'kindergarten roundup', where we met the teachers and they tested him and what not. I have requested the same teacher that Rylie has now. We will see. The doctor also mentioned that he needs to go see an optomologist. For which I TOTALLY blame Thom's side of the family!!! But Nic is also going through this shy stage, and I am HOPING that that is part of the reason he failed the eye portion of the exam, cause he did NOT want to talk to the lady giving it. We will see, I have yet to make an appointment, cause I am living in denial. I know, bad mom! I will though:-)
Will is now weighing in at 24 pounds and 32 inches tall, he also received a shot. He has speech delay, which I also knew, duh, my two year old is not talking. He says this is VERY common in boys. I know this also, which is why I have not been stressing. And also due to all his ear infections, and trauma. But he does want him to see an audiologist for testing, and see exactly where his hearing ranges are. And maybe enroll him in speech therapy. He has an appointment on Monday morning to have the testing done. So we will have more answers after that. I have known all along that he will be okay, but it has still been a MAJOR stress for me. So that is all for my tiny tots! :-)

The house is coming along, I would like to say nicely, but no. It is a mess. It is so hard to move and unpack when you have five kids. Cause you still have all the normal day to day piles of laundry and dishes, the sibling quarrels, kids' friends coming over, and the many sicknesses to deal with PLUS the unpacking and cleaning from moving. It is so unending and FRUSTRATING!!!! So that is how I am doing :-)

But Rylie is HILARIOUS!!! I was looking over her homework the other day and I noticed her name was spelled different on her test. And I said, "Hey, Ry, is there another Rylie in your class." (fairly certain there was not, but, thinking the teacher had given her the wrong test back.) And she said no. So I said, "Why did you spell your name wrong?" She said, "Oh, that is how I spell it now." I said, "Ry, honey, you can't just change the way you spell your name." She said, "You said I could." I said, "Yes, when you are 18, if you still want to." And so it went for about 10 minutes. LMAO. So now I am wondering, should I let her. I mean really, it is not really that big of a deal. It is the same name. she just wants to change it from Rylie to Rylee. What's the big deal??? So I am seriously considering going down and having her name changed.

So this has turned into more of an update then just a 'tiny tot' story. So might as well give a full update:-)

Thom is now working at the college, he is the new ROTC recruiter, for Dixie. Which SHOULD make his job a whole lot easier, and more stable and secure***fingers crossed****please God!!!! He has only been there a week now, but is liking it so far.

There is not too much going on with Kaiden and Kayla, they are looking forward to the end of the school year, they are both busy practicing for their end of year programs. And are greatly enjoying living in this new neighborhood with all their friends close by. They have both gotten a taste of "the dreaded teen years" this week. A boy was 'being mean' to Makayla this week, and Kaiden had to 'take care' of the issue. Now on first report of this issue of course 'momma bear' comes out and I go to calm down and I called Thom to talk to him about it and he starts laughing I said what is your problem!!!! So when he gets home, we sit them both down to go over the situation again. And Makayla says what the boy says to her(it is VERY mild, not real mean at all, just to a big brother is it very offensive). Thom calls Rylie in and proceeds to explain to the girls about how gorgeous they are how boys will 'be mean' to them in an attempt to get them to notice them, but yes it is still up to their brothers to take care of them make sure no boy ever hurts their sister. I am SOOO grateful the boys outnumber the girls, LOL!!! And now the boy keeps telling Makayla how beautiful she is and now after she knows what he is up to even he 'meanness' is still flattering to her, LOL. Can we hold off on the teen years for awhile????

We have come to a compromise on our newest additions. I am keeping my three kittens (any doubt there:-) ), Belle now has a new home. But Thom gets to keep his two puppies. And the kittens HAVE to be declawed and fixed as soon as they turn 6 months, which will be in August.


Nadeau Family said...

I don't know if I would legally change her name just yet - when I was in middle school I used to spell my name Kelli instead of Kelly just because I thought it was cool. I quickly grew out of that phase....and she might, too. Just a thought.

Ashlee said...

What funny girls!

Anonymous said...

LOL too funny! Kids are great, so entertaining! And don't worry about you boys being little, Steele is the same way, they ALL catch up eventually!