Tuesday, July 7, 2009


So I have totally been neglecting you lately, sorry. Life has been crazy around here. Put on top of that my computer crashed, as well as both my cameras:-(

Pooh had his tonsils out and tubes put in a week and a half ago. He has been a real stinker since:-) And he is still not fully recovered. But the surgery went well!
Trying to get his jammies off and his gown on was interesting! I had to lay on the bed with him

This was after the sedative
Cute baby!!
Dad quit taking pictures!!! This was after his 'baby cocktail' really starting taking effect:-) he was so cute and drunk!
This was right after we got him back from the post-op recovery room to the regular recovery room where we could join him.
Eating his first meal, pudding:-) Only about 45 mintues or so after his surgery, he did real good! Look at his swet little hand all bandaged and IV'd:-(

Reading up on post-op at home care, you would think that after 5 kids, I would know how to do this, but this is my baby, and I was a spazz!


Anonymous said...

Aww he is so, so, so cute! Oh my gosh, could he be any more adorable! I'm glad everything went well and I hope he (and you!) are recovering ok! :)

Lovely Rita said...

A sick "baby" is the only thing that I don't mind being inconvenienced for; whether 2 in the morning, or at bedside in the hospital.

I always have to re-read information too, making sure I'm doing things right. Samuel was fighting a 102 fever this week and I had to google it to make sure I was doing everything I could, knowing that doctors wouldn't do much for him.

Glad to see your baby made it through the surgery. Prayers for a quick recovery-for all of you!!