Monday, November 2, 2009


Well, I bribed Thom again, and he left the office for 2 whole hours, WAHOO :-), and we took the kids to Staheli Farm, we went to the corn maize and pumpkin patch. We had tons of fun! Again my blogger is have problems, so these pictures are in no particular order, and I have not added captions, but most are self-explanatory.

Well I have been trying to post for a couple weeks now, but was having issues with the 'blogger.' But here you go, this was the second weekend in October, I took the kids to the homecoming tailgate party at Dixie State College. Thom was there with the bull, I have decided that if I want time with my husband, I am going to have to go to him. So we have been spending quiet a bit of our 'extra' time at the college.

The Iceberg guy brought shakes for after the burgers and dogs, and then he rode the bull.

The following day, Sunday, we decided to go on a hike. We went with my parents and some good friends of ours, the Wilkins. We had 15 people and two dogs piled into our 12 passenger van. It was tight and illegal, but we had fun! These pictures are in no particular order.

Misty, Wyatt, Kaiden and Sarah(the dog)
See, my husband even joined us, he was bribed with Bill:-)

Ry is TOOO cute! Have no idea what she is laughing at?

Pretending to eat something?

NO idea what Kayla is doing!


Willie Wonka!

It was a big hill, we were tired:-)

Cute kids! Kaiden, Kayla, Ry, and Tiara

This was some 'house', we were up the Anasazi trail, and this was one of their houses or something. Tiara, Kayla, and Ry again.

Kaiden, Wyatt, and Nic
Sarah stole my seat! She was trying to get away from Hunter, my pyshcotic dog, that REALLY wanted her!